Employee Details

Employee ID: 7564133456
Branch: Chandigarh Department: Accounts
Employee Name: Rohan Sharma Joining Date: 10/10/2021
Mobile +919812398123 Email: emp@gmail.com
User Name: Rohan15
Date of Birth 10/08/1995 Height 6.5
Weight 65 kg Eye Sight 6 x 6
Income Tax PAN no. PAN12345678 Place of filing return Chandigarh HO
Bank Name ABCD Bank A/C No. 145225145
Passport No. PS1234567 Issued at Chandigarh
Permanent Address
H.No / landmark Bank square City Chandigarh
Post Office Sector 17 Pin Code 160007
Tehsil Chandigarh Distt.: Chandigarh
STD Code / Phone 0172 202020 Distt.: Chandigarh
Local contact details
Mobile 98123 98123 H.No/landmark Landmark 1
Sector / City / Pin Code Sector / Chandigarh / 160007 Phone 0172 2020202
In case of Rented accommodation
Name of owner Rohan Kumar Mobile +91 9812398123
Family Details
Father/Spouse Name Rohan Kumar Mobile +91 9812398123
Occupation/Designation Rohan Kumar Present Employment Details ABC
Childern Details Name / DOB / School
1 Raj / 20/Apr/2016 / ABC School
2 Raj / 20/Apr/2016 / ABC School
Two References Rohan Kumar Mobile: 9812398123 / Mohan Kumar Mobile: 9812398123
Education Qualification Start Year / End Year / Steam / Percentage / University - Board
10th 2010 / 2011 / - / 80% / CBSE
12th 2010 / 2011 / Com / 80% / CBSE
Diploma 2010 / 2011 / Computer / 80% / CBSE
Graduation 2010 / 2011 / Arts / 80% / CBSE
Post Graduation 2010 / 2011 / Arts / 80% / CBSE
Any short term Course None
Any Specialization training None
Computer literacy level
Do you know Computers Yes MS Office / Power Yes / Yes
Professional Experience Company - Hotel / Position Held / From / To
ABC Company / Teacher / 10/10/2020 / 10/10/2020
ABC Company / Teacher / 10/10/2020 / 10/10/2020
Medical Information
Have yo ever had or do you suffer from?
Epilepsy No Chicken Pox No
Measles No Diabetes No
Do you suffer from any Disabilities? If so, Specifiy -
Are you allergic to any medicine or product (specify) -
Which medication, if any are you taking on a regular basis? -
Do you have special diet? -
Have you had any operation (specify)? -
Have you had any accident with long-term consequences? -
What in general medical condition Excellent
Have you ever had or do you suffer from tuberculosis? No
Have you ever had or do you suffer from mental illness (specify) -
Any other information -
Something About you.
Do you smoke? No if yes how often
Do you drink alcohol? No if yes how often
Do you believe in GOD? Yes What do you fear?
Is/was there any police case against you? No if yes what is present position
What are your future plans (Academic Developments)
Anything you want to share
For Office Use Documents Required / Documents submitted / Document pending / Remarks
10th mark sheet Yes / no / Remarks
10+2 mark sheet Yes / no / Remarks
Graduation mark Sheet Yes / no / Remarks
Passport Size Photographs Yes / no / Remarks
Proof of Identify Yes / no / Remarks
Work Reference No Probation -
Appointment Letter Yes Designation Accounts
Salary 25000 Other benefits if any Yes
Performance appraisal due on Dec 2021 Increment Due Yes
Confirmed on Dec 2021 Designation Yes
Salary 123456 Remarks if any Yes
Increment Date Reasons of leaving the job Yes
Date of leaving 15/10/2021 Full & final Payment 12345678