Indian Political Management Services (IPMS) refers to a range of professional services aimed at managing and strategizing political campaigns, public relations, and governance in India.
These services typically include:

Campaign Management

Planning and executing election campaigns, including strategy development, voter outreach, and media management.

Booth Management

  • According to the booth list, 15 to 20 people should be placed on each booth.
  • In the booth committee, people should be included in many committees to get maximum votes from every street, every neighborhood and every tower of the societies.
  • Booth committees senior experienced area knowledgeable women girls and boys all should be coordinated.
  • Booth committees should be formed at least three months and maximum six months before the elections.
  • Constituent wise meeting of the constituted committees Circle in charge Polling station in charge Booth committee in charge and polling agent to get together to coordinate themselves and hold at least three to four meetings with their leader.
  • Booth Committees of Booth Workers of Mandal Circle or Zone should meet at least three to four times with senior leadership.
  • Techniques like WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups, and self-developed software should be employed to strengthen your booth.
  • A photo and video data bank of the work done should be prepared to monitor and motivate the booth workers.
  • A social media group should also be created on each booth which should organize the activities of its group at its zone, circle, mandal, block and assembly level.
  • Meeting and training of prepared booth committees Special person who knows how to work on the ground should be trained.
  • Trained persons on booth mapping and how to approach voters how to deliver election campaign materials door to door how to influence maximum number of voters should be an important part of the training.

Crowed Management

Crowd management involves planning and implementing strategies to control and direct the movement and behavior of people in various settings, such as events, public spaces, or during emergencies. Key aspects of effective crowd management include:

Planning and Preparation:
Assessing the venue and identifying potential crowd-related risks.Developing a detailed crowd management plan, including emergency procedures.Ensuring adequate staffing and training for security and event personnel.

Clear signage and information for attendees.Use of public address systems and visual aids.Coordination with local authorities and emergency services.

Access Control:
Managing entry and exit points to prevent overcrowding.Implementing ticketing systems and barriers to control flow.Screening and security checks.

Monitoring and Surveillance:
Using CCTV and other monitoring technologies to observe crowd behavior.Deploying staff to key areas for real-time monitoring.Identifying and addressing potential issues promptly.

Emergency Response:
Having a clear evacuation plan and routes.Training staff to handle emergencies and assist the public.Ensuring first aid and medical facilities are available.

Flow Management:
Designing pathways to guide crowd movement.Managing bottlenecks and high-traffic areas.Implementing timed entry or phased access if necessary.

Post-Event Analysis:
Reviewing the effectiveness of crowd management strategies. Gathering feedback from attendees and staff. Identifying areas for improvement for future events. For an election management business, these principles are critical in ensuring voter safety and smooth operations at polling stations and election-related events.

Public Relations

Managing the public image of political candidates and parties through media interactions, press releases, and social media campaigns.

Crisis Management (Dissidency)

Crisis management involves preparing for, responding to, and recovering from unexpected and disruptive events that can impact an organization, community, or event. Effective crisis management aims to minimize harm and ensure a swift return to normal operations. Key components include:

Risk Assessment

  • Identifying potential crises that could affect the organization.
  • Evaluating the likelihood and impact of different scenarios.
  • Prioritizing risks based on their severity and probability.

Crisis Management Plan

  • Developing a comprehensive plan that outlines procedures for different types of crises.
  • Assigning roles and responsibilities to team members.
  • Establishing communication protocols and decision-making processes.

Communication Strategy

  • Preparing clear and concise messages for internal and external stakeholders.
  • Identifying spokespersons and training them for media interactions.
  • Using multiple channels (social media, press releases, hotlines) to disseminate information.

Training and Drills

  • Regularly training staff on crisis management procedures.
  • Conducting drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of the plan.
  • Continuously updating the plan based on feedback and new information.

Immediate Response

  • Activating the crisis management team as soon as a crisis occurs.
  • Implementing the pre-defined response plan.
  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of all affected individuals.

Resource Management

  • Allocating necessary resources (personnel, equipment, financial) to manage the crisis.
  • Coordinating with external agencies and organizations for additional support.
  • Maintaining an inventory of emergency supplies and equipment.

Recovery and Continuity

  • Developing a business continuity plan to maintain critical operations during a crisis.
  • Establishing procedures for restoring normal operations post-crisis.
  • Providing support and counseling for affected individuals.

Evaluation and Improvement

  • Conducting a thorough review of the crisis management response after the event.
  • Identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Updating the crisis management plan based on lessons learned.

For an election management business, crisis management is essential to handle incidents like natural disasters, security threats, or technical failures that could disrupt the electoral process. Ensuring robust crisis management protocols can maintain voter confidence and safeguard the integrity of the election.

Data Analytics

Using data to understand voter behavior, predict election outcomes, and tailor campaign strategies.

Political Consulting

Providing strategic advice to political candidates and parties on policy issues, campaign strategies, and public engagement.

Grassroots Mobilization

Organizing and mobilizing volunteers and supporters at the local level to build a strong voter base.

Digital Campaigning

Leveraging digital platforms for campaigning, including social media, websites, and online advertising.

Event Management

Organizing political rallies, public meetings, and other events to engage with voters and the media.

Reputation Management

Addressing any negative publicity or crises that arise during a campaign or tenure in office.

These services are provided by a mix of political consulting firms, PR agencies, data analytics companies, and independent consultants. They play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape by helping candidates and parties effectively communicate their messages and connect with voters.

Whom We Served

Parties we are worked for are BJP, Congress, SAD, BSP, SP, Aam Admi, Inelo and Independent.

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SCO-1, 2nd Floor, SBP Homes, Ext-2,
Nijjar Road,Sector-126, Kharar, Mohali, Punjab


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