Voter Segmentation

Knowing your voters is the key to winning elections. However, effective voter segmentation goes beyond caste and coalition combinations. Here lies the science of discovering your advocates and adversaries and most importantly, the winnable, also known as the Swing voters. Our unique and proprietary understanding and targeting of the ‘Swing’ voters is the difference between winning or losing the election.

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Candidate Positioning

You might mean something to somebody and nothing to everybody. Projecting your image as a candidate of choice to winnable/swing voters helps you get ahead of others. What is the image that would mobilize the voters? Using our battleground-positioning framework, we help you develop your public persona that will mobilize the voters to vote for you.

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Campaign Messaging

Most elections around the world are fought on similar issues. It is the effective articulation of these issues that connects you with the voters. Simplicity and clarity of your messages help you break through the clutter. We develop and test messages of their ‘persuasiveness’ so you know for sure the impact of your messages in winning the minds and hearts of your voters.

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Voter Sentiment Tracking

So how do you know if what you are doing is working? If you wait for the Election Day, it might be too late. The campaign office will feed you anecdotes and ground intelligence. But I-PMS will be your independent voice that would tell you whether the voters are with you or moving away. Our election campaign management services include deploying a monitoring system that gives you a moving picture, which is actionable, you can make the necessary and timely course corrections to win and stay in office.

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Constituency-Centric Political Strategies

One of I-PMS's strength is embedded in the efficient election and campaign management of each constituency. No two constituencies can have the same political need and game plan. In the upcoming state elections, the fight for each Lok-Sabha constituency across the country will be multi-cornered and it would require heavy political strategizing that is exclusively created for each constituency.

I-PMS, which consists of visionary political strategists and dedicated workforce ties up with a candidate or a political party or any interested player for each constituency and works relentlessly to achieve the desired results of its clients. I-PMS, through its trained ground workforce that is present in place across each constituency/assembly/booth is field-ready to take on active campaigning and constituency management for its reputed clients.

On-ground and digital campaigning across the constituency would be based on a theme/set of themes. Theme would be based on micro-level economic, social and financial or core issues and solutions. It would be created and implemented keeping in mind our candidate's or political party’s objectives and agenda.

Unique slogans will be created, branded and marketed for each candidate in their respective constituency both on-ground and digitally.

Our future plans are to enhance our reach for making strategy’s at national level and we are in continues touch with few regional parties who are interested to expand at national level.

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Thought Leadership Strategy

Most thought leaders are actually thought followers. We help our clients become real thought leaders.
Oxford dictionary defines a Thought Leader as "an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.""
Today’s thought leaders are often simply restating public survey opinions or re-purposing content previously published or undertaking me-too research. The world of business is awash with such content. A scientifically developed thought leadership strategy is critical to help you demonstrate expertise and build authority over time to generate respect and recognition.

Good thought leadership research should be relevant for the audiences you seek to reach, engaging enough to grab attention, help bring new knowledge or provide some insight to make better decisions and should help look ahead into the future.

Original and credible thought leadership research undertaken through a rigorous methodology and backed by empirical evidence cannot only deliver pertinent insights but can also deliver new information. Combined with the power of engaging copy and compelling presentation and multipurpose into multiple formats from feature articles, to blogs, to keynotes, etc. It acts a powerful force multiplier of reputation.

At I-PMS, we have the unique capability of both developing and amplifying content. Our multi-disciplinary team of subject experts, researchers, data scientists, creative and content developers and advocacy professionals work together to create break-through analysis and provide an empirical evidence to make a convincing case that delivers the best returns on your thought leadership investment.

We are collaborative and flexible in our approach and work as a seamless part of your team, from providing data inputs to managing the full thought election & leadership program.

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Politics & Good Governance

Don’t just govern the people. Involve them. Walk the talk with them
Business and political interests share a common goal: The greatest good of the greatest number. But they often come at loggerheads owing to factors like constituent interests, competitive advantage and so on. An honest dialogue between the government and the industry is critical to the development of the nation. This has to become the new definition of how corporations and governments need to engage – a convergence of commercial and national interests.

Recent elections have pointed to the fact that governments that perform stay in office. Divisive policies and doles don’t work. Therefore, consistent communication and engagement of citizens hold the key to their participation and involvement in the programs and projects of the Constituency. For any politician aiming to get re-elected, a clear narrative and persuasive communication is a must as that alone ensures that your advocates (Influencers) leadership of 2nd line up must remain with you.

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Time Line

As we know that every election management process starts with the end of present election knowing your voters is the key to winning elections. Time line for strategy making, planning our experts suggest us that we I-PMS takes responsibility of your election process we sign agreements with the political parties at least minimum two years before the next approaching election in case of Individual Candidate takes our services, we suggest him/her at least minimum one year before for better strategy making and implementation of it. In case candidate is independent candidate we offer them consultation and this package starts at least one and half year before the election to make better teams for him/her. We only advice or provide consulting services to the candidates in case the election time remains less than six months before.


Crisis Communication

Crisis can strike anytime. Better be insured against it.
Companies and public figures live under the constant scrutiny of its stakeholders, especially the press, civil society and citizen journalists. Even the smallest of infractions could become a subject of breaking news or start trending online. In a 24X7 news cycle, having a modus operandi that responds effectively to a brewing crisis and nips it in the bud is not enough. You must have a pro-active crisis communication strategy that prepares you to respond to any unforeseen crisis in a timely and effective manner. Every company ought to prepare, if not, you are prone to more damage. The basic steps of effective crisis communications are not difficult, but they require advance preparation, crisis communication training and a comprehensive crisis communication plan in order to mitigate damage to your reputation.

Simple rules for crisis communication

Crisis Preparedness Planning.
Create a preparedness plan that games scenarios of possible crisis and an appropriate response. Crisis preparedness plans are time-consuming and painstaking, which is why many companies don’t create them. However, when faced with a crisis, these plans actually save critical time and resources, a crucial difference that will not only protect your company’s reputation but also gain goodwill of your stakeholders.

Crisis Communication Support
It’s imperative to acknowledge crisis situations immediately. You may not have all the details for days, or even weeks, but a prompt communication to your key stakeholders will (a) minimize speculation and rumor and (b) let audiences know you are in control thus safeguarding your party’s reputation.

When that reputation comes under attack, protecting and defending it becomes the highest priority. Crisis communication training is designed to protect and defend an individual or your facing a public challenge to its reputation. These challenges may come in the form of an investigation from a government agency, a criminal allegation, a shareholder’s lawsuit, an accident, defective product or any number of other scenarios involving the legal, ethical or financial standing of an entity. To emerge with its reputation intact, an organization must anticipate and respond immediately and with confidence. This training will help companies to prepare for this kind of situations and guide them through the process. As a final act of crisis communications, our crisis communications team support political parties, candidates go public with its self-assessment. This gives the community further proof that the organization takes the crisis very seriously and has safeguards in place to avoid even the threat of such a crisis happening again


Reputation Management
Good reputation is the topmost priority of a Chief Executive

It takes years of hard work to build a good reputation, be it a company, an individual or a political entity. But that good will can be damaged or tarnished in just a few minutes. The hyperactive media of today, which act as the prosecutor, the jury and the judge, and the constant glare of a real-time social media sans frontiers, have made it a must that steps are taken to build, nurture and protect reputation in a sustained manner. A specialist Reputation Management Company has become the need of the hour.

Reputation Management is no longer merely about good press and social media presence. Promoting the work of a company or a public figure to stand apart from others, earning the respect and trust of their stakeholders is an advantage like never before. Management of reputation, company or public figure is no longer accidental. It has to be planned, deliberate and consistent program, rooted in knowledge and driven by results.

To be successful, reputation management consultants today, will need to develop a profound understanding of the audience mind set, create a simple yet compelling narrative with its roots in purpose and authenticity, driven through persuasive communication across multiple mediums. This is the key to shaping opinion in an ethical manner and this is what the founding father of the profession intended public relations to be.

At I-PMS, we are a multi-disciplinary team of specialist working together to help our clients earn public goodwill.

Market Segmentation

We help you find and connect with your vote segments
A successful communication campaign involves understanding your audience and addressing it with tailor-made messages. At I-PMS, we have created a unique approach that closes the gap between campaign strategy and execution.

There are various market segmentation approaches that look at several profiles of voter’s grouped together on the basis of some commonalities. However, this traditional approach to voter segmentation, does not really answer the question:

Whom should I really be focusing on?

Our approach to consumer research is about neuroscience, finding the motivators that create a shared ‘attitude and beliefs’ most likely to resonate with your brand purpose, today and in the time ahead. Our consumer segmentation combines the neuro-personality traits of individuals along with their disposition towards a brand or an issue. Combined with our Advocates to Adversaries segmentation we bring focus to your ability to find and reach the consumers most likely to contribute to your success, helping you generate significant returns on your marketing planning.

Our counselors/supervisor’s search for and identify patterns in the data. Rigorous analytic techniques are used to organize consumers and the size and market potential of each customer segment is determined, along with the messaging that should be employed to reach each segment.

Thought Leadership Strategy & Research

Most thought leaders are actually thought followers. We help our clients become real thought leaders.

Oxford dictionary defines a Thought Leader as “an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.”

Today’s thought leaders are often simply restating public survey opinions or re-purposing content previously published or undertaking me-too research. The world of business is awash with such content. A scientifically developed thought leadership strategy is critical to help you demonstrate expertise and build authority over time to generate respect and recognition.

Good thought leadership research should be relevant for the audiences you seek to reach, engaging enough to grab attention, help bring new knowledge or provide some insight to make better decisions and should help look ahead into the future.

Original and credible thought leadership research undertaken through a rigorous methodology and backed by empirical evidence cannot only deliver pertinent insights but can also deliver new information. Combined with the power of engaging copy and compelling presentation and multipurpose into multiple formats from feature articles, to blogs, to keynotes, etc. It acts a powerful force multiplier of reputation.

At I-PMS, we have the unique capability of both developing and amplifying content. Our multi-disciplinary team of subject experts, researchers, data scientists, creative and content developers and advocacy professionals work together to create break-through analysis and provide an empirical evidence to make a convincing case that delivers the best returns on your thought leadership investment.

We are collaborative and flexible in our approach and work as a seamless part of your team, from providing data inputs to managing the full thought election & leadership program.

Politics & Good Governance.

Don’t just govern the people. Involve them. Walk the talk with them

Business and political interests share a common goal: The greatest good of the greatest number. But they often come at loggerheads owing to factors like constituent interests, competitive advantage and so on. An honest dialogue between the government and the industry is critical to the development of the nation. This has to become the new definition of how corporations and governments need to engage – a convergence of commercial and national interests.

Recent elections have pointed to the fact that governments that perform stay in office. Divisive policies and doles don’t work. Therefore, consistent communication and engagement of citizens hold the key to their participation and involvement in the programs and projects of the Constituency. For any politician aiming to get re-elected, a clear narrative and persuasive communication is a must as that alone ensures that your advocates (Influencers) leadership of 2nd line up must remain with you.

Whom We Served

Parties we are worked for are BJP, Congress, SAD, BSP, SP, Aam Admi, Inelo and Independent.

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SCO-1, 2nd Floor, SBP Homes, Ext-2,
Nijjar Road,Sector-126, Kharar, Mohali, Punjab


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